along the way
written portraits of randy & his journey
Joshua 1:9 "Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."
![]() As a young boy, the idea of writing a book got deeply implanted in my mind by my dad. All throughout my childhood years, he would occasionally say something that he thought was noteworthy. Then, he would follow it with these exact words. “I need to write that in my book.” He said this with enough regularity through the years that it seemed plausible that he might actually have enough material to write a book. One expression that is forever lodged in my memory is “the best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother”. I had no doubt that he loved my mom. I heard it and saw it in action every day. My mom and dad supported each other. I knew they were on the same team. I grew up knowing that they loved each other, my brother, and me. ![]() Another phrase that haunts me to this day is, “you can use anything of mine, just put it back where it belongs.” Ugh! I used to hate that one as a teenager, but I think you get the picture. Most of the time he said his quips jokingly. I think it was his way to “freeze-frame” the expression, so, it could be absorbed by someone else. But his main motivation always was to leave a spiritual trail map – for others. He wanted God’s wisdom and message of eternal hope and salvation that he had so vividly experienced at the age of twenty-nine to be transferred to others. In his mind, writing a book was an on-going way to transfer the things he’d learned to someone else. My dad passed away in 1982 at the age of 53. I don’t recall that he ever wrote things down. There was no file or notebook that was left behind. He never wrote his book. Yet, maybe he did. I think a host of things actually did get written, and I bet you can guess where. Yup! They were written in my heart. His passion to know God and focus on eternity was passed along to me, as well as a host of other people. It’s amazing how that happens. ![]() Since my dad’s death, over 35 years ago, I have thought of writing a book from time to time. It has percolated in my mind for years. The idea was like a pot of coffee set on a rack over a campfire. Bubbling and brewing away. For the bulk of our married life, my wife and I have made goals every year. One of my goals was to write a book. But, the timing never felt right. Finally, I put the idea on a shelf in the back of my mind. The reason wasn’t motivation or even time. I just didn’t have a clear message. The clarity of a message began to sharpen in 2015. During that year, I was introduced to Life Purpose Discovery Coaching. As I began to wrestle with “Why did God make me?” I began to see that a message had been woven throughout the fabric of my life. The message was simple, yet staggeringly profound. It was this: “God can be trusted in every transition we make in this journey called life. He can be trusted in the decisions we make: the good ones as well as the bad ones. He can be trusted when others actions directly impact us: positively or negatively. God can use the story of our lives for his glory – if we let him. He can even use our failures, or the failures of others, that knock us flat. As the great redeemer, he can restore the detours. He can use the deep valley experiences to develop character and profoundly deep messages that others need to hear. He can heal our broken places, and use us to reflect Jesus to others who are broken and need a Savior.” I believe that Christians facing change and transition need to be reminded of this message - whether it is for them, personally, or for a group or organization that they are a part. God can be trusted to guide you in every situation. ![]() I am taking to heart my dad’s idea to write things down. I am starting with this blog. Who knows, it may morph into a book someday. Regardless, I hope my stories affirm this message, and they encourage you. I hope my life and story impacts yours - and that, together, we passionately pursue God, his calling on our lives, and finish well. Randy
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Randy CarrRandy is a life-purpose and legacy coach with a passion to help seniors be purposeful in retirement. He has a background in history, education, ministry, publishing, and crossing cultures. Randy's Story
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