along the way
written portraits of randy & his journey
Joshua 1:9 "Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."
I can’t imagine a world without “reflection”. No full moon on a clear night. No bathroom mirrors. No creative photo ops. And, no contemplative thoughts while pondering the past. “Reflection” brings enrichment to our lives. It enhances the way we see things, simply because we can "see" something again. The impact gets multiplied. And in doing so, our experience gets expanded. "Reflection" can also be so common that I don’t notice it. I can take it for granted. I forget about it until "a mirror I depend upon" gets moved. Because of this, I find that I need to periodically take time to stop, and purposefully reflect. Take stock of where I have been. And, see the whole picture. In the fall of 2014, I was lost and drifting. I had just turned 60. I was winding up my fifth career. I was experiencing a case of “life remorse”. I was befuddled, baffled, and confused! I had committed my life to God, on January 27, 1973. I had served God in some aspect of ministry for 42 years. I felt blessed. I liked my life. I tried to trust God throughout life. But, I couldn’t tell you why God made me. I didn’t have a clear purpose. I didn’t have “one thing” that I could look to as my “purpose in life”. I feared that somewhere along the line, I had missed my calling? To add to it, AARP mailings were routinely inundating the mailbox. “Retirement” was nipping at my heels. Reminders routinely whispered a subtle message: "More of life is behind, than ahead". Oh no! In November 2014, I attended an international mission conference in Columbus, Ohio. I was a board member for a mission organization, and I was trying to network and see what I could learn from others. During the afternoon of the second day, I decided to wander the exhibition hall. It was intentional. I was looking to see if God might have any insights, or direction for me - personally. Workshops were in session. The exhibit hall was sparse. Exhibitors who were not leading a workshop were taking a break. Some were talking to other exhibitors. Not every booth was staffed. But, the ones that were, they were willing to talk. It was about two-thirds of the way to the back - when it happened. Gary was the name on his tag. The booth was small and simple. No multi-media. A table had some literature on it. The sign on the back of the booth simply stated: Coaching Mission International. Gary was available. He seemed willing to talk. So, I stepped up to him and said, “I don't know anything about your organization. Why don't you give me your spiel?" Gary proceeded to tell me that the organization trained professional-level life and leadership coaches, so that these coaches can serve global missions by coming alongside and coaching leaders. Hmm! I was intrigued. He told me about the training content and program logistics. Gave me some literature, and I went on my way. And, I couldn't get it out of my mind. My conversation with Gary was not coincidental. Without realizing it at the time, I had “stumbled” into my sixth career. Partnering and coming alongside Christian leaders in ministry already energized me. Coaching seemed like a tool that I could use in my "ministry toolbox" even as I aged. As my wife and I prayed, it became clear that God was leading me to get trained as a Life & Leadership Coach. So, I enrolled in the training early in 2015. Started learning. Using coaching tools. And, coaching clients. Yet, that's not the full "story behind the story". Come back next time. There's one more piece!
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Randy CarrRandy is a life-purpose and legacy coach with a passion to help seniors be purposeful in retirement. He has a background in history, education, ministry, publishing, and crossing cultures. Randy's Story
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