along the way
written portraits of randy & his journey
Joshua 1:9 "Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."
Forty-five months after our first motorcycle ride in August of 1983, Lisa and I took another memorable ride on June 27, 1987. This time, Lisa was in her wedding dress, and I was in a tux. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY: RANDY & LISA Thirty-three years ago today, on June 27, 1987, a second Carr got added to the ride. And, We Are Still In Love - Years Down the Road! Note: We used my friend Steve's Honda Goldwing to ride away from our wedding. Steve rode it from Michigan to California, especially to be in our wedding. Thanks to everyone that was there that day, and to everyone who has been "a part of our ride" - before, and since. Thank you Lord for using a motorcycle to bring us together! And, for your sustaining grace and guidance throughout our journey. Lisa and I have been blessed! Next Time: July 4:
We will pick back up with the first of three stories that occurred the year before we were married. The next story, "Something's Wrong with the Horizon", took place in 1986 in the days leading up to "The 4th of July". It was about three weeks after we started dating. Photo Credits: All: Carr Collection Comments are closed.
Randy CarrRandy is a life-purpose and legacy coach with a passion to help seniors be purposeful in retirement. He has a background in history, education, ministry, publishing, and crossing cultures. Randy's Story
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