along the way
written portraits of randy & his journey
Joshua 1:9 "Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."
Rivers have moods.
Terrain, elevation, and climate all affect the flow of a river. Sometimes it’s wide and mellow. Sweeping, meandering, and even majestic. Other times it’s narrow, and dangerous. Full of twists and turns. Deep canyons, whirlpools, waterfalls, and rocks make the river perilous at best. Deadly - at its worst. At times, my life feels like a flowing river. The current is always moving. Sometimes, the stretch of river is predictable. Comfortable. Manageable. At other times it can be harrowing – with little sense of control. In those times, I can feel the angry pull of whitewater – as I “hold on for dear life”. On August 29, 1947, my mom and dad were married. They were both 18. I am thankful for them; their love for each other; and for their Godly example. My story certainly wouldn't be the same without the commitment they made to each other on this date, and throughout their lives.
Crumbled sheets fill the wastebasket. Printouts line the desk. Drafts “long discarded” - lay in piles on the floor. Hand-written scribbles in the margins. Misspellings circled in red. Each reveals its own evidence - of the task at hand. A "work in progress" is what they called it. A “rough draft” is another name. To most, it looks a mess. The gaps are many. The ending is yet undone. Parts of it flow well. Others are just not right. To anyone, but the author, it makes little sense.
While the draft remains drafty, and completion is far away, there is a flicker of hope. There’s the whisper of a message. There’s an ebb to the flow. Maybe, just maybe, it is closer to being finished, than it seems. While imperfect, it has promise. There’s a heartbeat of promise – that lays deep within its soul. It was crunch time.
The wedding was seven weeks away. And, Lisa and I still had one huge decision to make. Where in all of southern California were we going to live? More than needing housing, we were also grappling with finding a community that we could settle in and call home. We wanted God to direct us to “the right place”. For our June wedding, the beginning of the month was just three weeks away. Procuring a place to live had crept to the top of our “to do list”. It was time to rent something – somewhere – and soon. |
Randy CarrRandy is a life-purpose and legacy coach with a passion to help seniors be purposeful in retirement. He has a background in history, education, ministry, publishing, and crossing cultures. Randy's Story
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