Life Purpose/Legacy Coaching
Most coaches have areas of specialty. ALIGN is especially focused on Life Purpose Coaching. At ALIGN, we are intentionally curious in this area. We are intentional in asking about God's purposes in your life situation. ALIGN offers four aspects of Life Purpose Coaching.
Life Purpose Discovery Coaching (Place to start, if looking for overall clarity of purpose.)
Understand how and why God made you. Identify his purposes for you. Unpack God's design for you. Identify passions and values that drive you. Walk through your journey to date, and explore your calling - especially, how people see Jesus in you. The culmination is developing a working life purpose statement. A succinct statement allows you to tell your audience your unique messages from God by using tasks for which you are good at to intentionally impact people with the Gospel. Weekly sessions are recommended for momentum. Allow approximately one - two hours for reading and workbook exercises before/after each session. The minimum time needed tends to be twelve sessions. Additional sessions may be needed. Special Rate for this Package.
Materials required and need to be purchased separately. A Leader's Life Purpose: Workbook by Tony Stoltzfus.
Materials required and need to be purchased separately. A Leader's Life Purpose: Workbook by Tony Stoltzfus.
Life Purpose in Seasons & Transitions
Transitions happen in life. It's how we grow. Peaks and valleys in life are normal. We prefer the peaks, and we don't like the valleys. But, that's where the water is. The Calling Journey by Tony Stoltzfus is used to explore stages and valley experiences that seem to be common to leaders. Unpack your journey to date, and mine the messages that may be resonating within you that others need to hear - which may be yourself, or even your coach. Set goals. Look at options and obstacles. Focus on hearing God, and in trusting Him on what's next. Walking through change & transition can stretch and deepen your faith, and may have messages that someone else desperately needs.
The Calling Journey by Tony Stoltzfus is highly recommended to purchase by the second session.
The Calling Journey by Tony Stoltzfus is highly recommended to purchase by the second session.
Life Purpose in Aging, Retirement & Finishing Well
Ready or not, aging is real, and sneaks up on you. The following are potential questions that might get asked. What does retirement mean to you? What does it mean to not have to work to provide for your necessities? What have been your core values? What will be your core values as you transition to heaven and eternity? Spiritually, what is God saying to you about your aging process? What's God's purpose for you as you end this life? How can others see Jesus in how you approach loss, decline, dying, death, and eternity? What are your messages? Who needs to hear them? At ALIGN, when we enter heaven, we want Jesus to smile and say, "Well done, good and faithful servant." We want to be intentional in finishing this life well, and living out God's purpose for us until he takes us home. If you need to sort through and identify God's purpose for you in your final years, this is for you.
Note: Coaching focuses on utilizing spiritual gifts, abilities, and calling, as God allows, through your retirement years and into eternity. The financial, legal, medical, emotional, and psychological aspects of aging and retirement are referred to professionals who are trained in those specific areas.
Note: Coaching focuses on utilizing spiritual gifts, abilities, and calling, as God allows, through your retirement years and into eternity. The financial, legal, medical, emotional, and psychological aspects of aging and retirement are referred to professionals who are trained in those specific areas.
Life Purpose through Long-term Caregiving for Adult Family Members
Could there be another beatitude? Blessed are the caregivers. Caregiving of family members into adulthood is a challenge that is learned mostly by "on the job training". It's usually an obligation, not a goal. If it is an adult child, a spouse, or a parent, each situation is unique. Goals and options for care for yourself as well as the family member are equally unique. How does God want to use your situation? What is your testimony? What's God's Purposes? This coaching is for those who desire to look intentionally for God's purposes as they take care of themselves and those to whom they are caring.
Note: Coaching focuses on goals, options, obstacles, and action steps to take in the midst of these God-allowed life circumstances. How do we help family members and ourselves finish well? This is you working through your options. It is about finding your purpose.
Note: Coaching focuses on goals, options, obstacles, and action steps to take in the midst of these God-allowed life circumstances. How do we help family members and ourselves finish well? This is you working through your options. It is about finding your purpose.
Package Lengths
- Choose Single Session, 6-Session Pack, or 12 Session Pack, or 45-Day Momentum Builder Packages.
- Rates include an additional Introductory Session (up to 90 minutes) - which is complimentary for those new to ALIGN.
- Subsequent sessions are typically 45-60 minute sessions - usually weekly, or bi-weekly. For optimum success and continuity, the sessions need to be completed within the time frame - outlined for each package.
The 90-Minute Introductory Session can answer questions regarding your series goals, and the various packages available. Full payment for a package needs to be made by the second session. It is no problem to extend a package at the same discounted session rate if additional time is needed. Package rates.
ALIGN, first and foremost, is a ministry. Hearing God and joining Him is our biggest hope. If money is an issue let us know. Hardship situations are evaluated as resources and circumstances allow - and God directs.