Coaching Agreement
What is Coaching?
Coaching provides a context for you to accomplish unmet goals. In coaching, you set the agenda, the priorities, and the desired outcomes for a series of sessions. You also set your desired outcomes for each individual session. The coach listens to you and through questions helps you to unpack your goal. Options for accomplishing your desired outcome get explored, as well as ways to overcome obstacles that may be in your path. The culmination of each session is for you to set a course of action to take between sessions. At the next session, the coach will ask how you did, and what else may, or may not, be done to continue towards the series outcome that you desire. Within the entire coaching conversation there is a spirit of affirmation and encouragement - mingled with accountability. And finally, when a goal is accomplished, there is celebration.
Coach’s Responsibilities:
As your coach, I want to help you grow, change, develop, and achieve your life goals. While I will want to encourage you to press toward the call of Christ in your life, it is you who is responsible for your life. You’ll make the choices about what actions to take and what you want us to focus during our time together.
As your coach, I’ll provide support, accountability, perspective, challenge, and possibly provide resources for your goals. I’ll ask God to help me always see you with His eyes and I will consistently and enthusiastically believe in you as you reach toward your calling in Christ. I will ask you to regularly reflect on your progress and ask you to choose action steps to take before our next appointment. I commit to pray for you daily for the duration of our coaching time.
Client’s Responsibilities:
As the client, I will take initiative, and with my coach’s help, I will define my agenda and my growth goals as guided by my own values, vision and priorities. I want progress in my life and work. I am willing to invest time and energy between sessions and to try new approaches in order to meet my goals. I commit to honesty in this coaching relationship. I understand that the degree of honesty that I have with my coach, and my willingness to share what’s really happening in my life, will significantly impact the effectiveness of the coaching.
Joint Responsibilities:
Together, my coach and I commit to work together with respect, discretion and honesty. If the coaching relationship is not effective or if issues or conflict arise between us, we commit to be proactive in talking about this.
Both, my coach and I commit to be trustworthy partners in this relationship. The freedom to share about the realities of life and growth comes from the safety of mutual trust. There may be some situations that go beyond the bounds of a normal coaching relationship and require the help of others. If appropriate, the coach may recommend counseling or other alternative services.
Practical Expectations:
Coaching provides a context for you to accomplish unmet goals. In coaching, you set the agenda, the priorities, and the desired outcomes for a series of sessions. You also set your desired outcomes for each individual session. The coach listens to you and through questions helps you to unpack your goal. Options for accomplishing your desired outcome get explored, as well as ways to overcome obstacles that may be in your path. The culmination of each session is for you to set a course of action to take between sessions. At the next session, the coach will ask how you did, and what else may, or may not, be done to continue towards the series outcome that you desire. Within the entire coaching conversation there is a spirit of affirmation and encouragement - mingled with accountability. And finally, when a goal is accomplished, there is celebration.
Coach’s Responsibilities:
As your coach, I want to help you grow, change, develop, and achieve your life goals. While I will want to encourage you to press toward the call of Christ in your life, it is you who is responsible for your life. You’ll make the choices about what actions to take and what you want us to focus during our time together.
As your coach, I’ll provide support, accountability, perspective, challenge, and possibly provide resources for your goals. I’ll ask God to help me always see you with His eyes and I will consistently and enthusiastically believe in you as you reach toward your calling in Christ. I will ask you to regularly reflect on your progress and ask you to choose action steps to take before our next appointment. I commit to pray for you daily for the duration of our coaching time.
Client’s Responsibilities:
As the client, I will take initiative, and with my coach’s help, I will define my agenda and my growth goals as guided by my own values, vision and priorities. I want progress in my life and work. I am willing to invest time and energy between sessions and to try new approaches in order to meet my goals. I commit to honesty in this coaching relationship. I understand that the degree of honesty that I have with my coach, and my willingness to share what’s really happening in my life, will significantly impact the effectiveness of the coaching.
Joint Responsibilities:
Together, my coach and I commit to work together with respect, discretion and honesty. If the coaching relationship is not effective or if issues or conflict arise between us, we commit to be proactive in talking about this.
Both, my coach and I commit to be trustworthy partners in this relationship. The freedom to share about the realities of life and growth comes from the safety of mutual trust. There may be some situations that go beyond the bounds of a normal coaching relationship and require the help of others. If appropriate, the coach may recommend counseling or other alternative services.
Practical Expectations:
- Meeting Length: Sessions will generally be 45-60 minutes in length.
- Commitment: We’re committing to work together in a coaching relationship for the number of sessions of the coaching package which was purchased.
- Initiative: If coaching is done by phone or zoom, I agree to join the session at the agreed-upon day and time.
- Schedule: We will respect each other’s schedules. If we cannot make a meeting or meet expectations, we will take the initiative to let the other know and reschedule with as much notice as possible (A 24-hour notice is customary, except in emergencies).
- Cost: An Introductory 90-Minute First Session is complimentary. (This does not include clients who are sponsored by another organization, such as ITP and the "Sharpening Your Interpersonal Skills Follow-up Coaching".) Packages or single sessions need to be paid through PayPal before the second appointment. Packages are at a discounted rate, and they typically need to be completed within six months of the payment. Unfortunately any uncompleted sessions cannot be refunded.
- Session Materials: Coaching for Life Purpose uses a workbook. I will purchase any required materials before the second session.
I have read, and understand this coaching agreement. I am in agreement with the spirit of it.